
Who is Test & Measurement World?

Test & Measurement World is a community of engineers who are working at the cutting edge as well as in the trenches of electronic test. Our goal is to support you in your test needs from conception to the field, from the back of a napkin to the top of a telephone pole.

We cover products, technologies, methodologies, calibration science, and standards. We talk about hardware, software, and firmware in articles, blogs, courses, and webinars. We celebrate the best of test engineering in our annual Best in Test, Test of Time, and Test Engineer of the Year Awards. And, on a daily basis, aims to help inform, educate, and entertain. Welcome to the community! We are glad you are here and look forward to hearing your thoughts, questions, and observations on test.

Behind the scenes we have a staff of engineers and editors keeping things running. You’ll find them and their contact information below. We encourage you to reach out to us. Tell us what you like and don’t like, and be sure to interact with us by sharing your thoughts on content pages.

Contact us
Patrick Mannion
Brand Director EDN, Test & Measurement World
View Profile
631-543-0445 Cell: 516-474-5531